A Biblical Culture of Honor

By Pamela Sciotto
April 26, 2018

Familiar with the concept of unity? “Of course,” one would say, “don’t we all want to live in harmony?” Yet, the very concept is often uncommon in our day-to-day habits.

How wonderful and how beautiful it is when brothers and sisters get along. It’s like costly anointing oil flowing down the head and beard of Aaron, the first high priest.

If Christ’s love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit
means anything to you, if you care— then agree with each other that Jesus Christ is our
source in common. The Holy Bible is our guide – not to be replaced by spiritual writings of the day.

Love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Pray for earthly saints of God to find their
common beliefs. Put church titles aside. Don’t be obsessed with giving your own theology advantage.

Is it right for a caucus to determine what branch of religion to adhere to? What are our
religious intentions? Wasn’t it Paul himself who said, “Fill up and complete Christ’s joy by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose”?-- which is salvation through Jesus Christ alone who bore the cross? He’s coming for a body–not individual churches or state-declared religions. Not for those who practice traditions and sayings of man, but to one church – by no other name than the body of Christ. We are guilty of fragmenting the church.

Pray for the well-being and unity of Greece’s spiritual leaders. Pray for harmony among
those that adhere to the most important creed. It was made simple by the cross. It is we who have confused the issues, making the gospel unnecessarily complicated and less easy to comprehend.

This is the real and eternal life: that you know God, the one and only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He sent.

Psalm 133
Phil 2:1-5
Jeremiah 29:7
Rom 15:5-7
John 17:3


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